Forms submitted using buttons

Definition Forms must use input[type="submit"] or other form control buttons for submitting forms.
  • Using a submit button allows users to easily identify and control how to submit form information to a server for processing. Forms that are submitted through changes in focus or selection may result in users prematurely submitting the form or not being aware they submitted the form.
  • HTML4 Legacy Techniques (Required)
  • HTML5 and ARIA Techniques (Required)
WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

3.2.2 On Input (Level A, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Forms
Scope Element
Target Resources input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], input[type="image"], button, [role="button"]
  • button
  • The preferred technique for submitting forms is with the use of the input[type="submit"] form control.
  • An alternative techniques include using other HTML form control elements, including input[type="button"], input[type="image"] or button elements with an accessible name indicating that the button is for submitting form information.
  • In the case when a non-form control element (e.g. a or div element) is being used to submit the form, the element can use ARIA [role="button"] attribute with the accessible name indicating that the button is for submitting form information.
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