Widgets must have label

Definition Widgets must have label.
  • A label associated with a element with a widget role ensures that information about the widget is spoken by screen readers when it receives focus.
  • HTML4 Legacy Techniques (Required)
  • HTML5 and ARIA Techniques (Required)
WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Widgets/Scripting
Scope Element
Target Resources Elements with role attribute values that are defined as widgets
  • In some cases the child text nodes and alt from descendant image elements will be used as the label for elements with widget roles.
  • Use aria-labelledby attribute to reference the id(s) of the elements on the page to label elements with widget roles.
  • Use aria-label attribute to provide a explicit label for an element with a widget role.
  • Elements with grouping widget roles may not receive keyboard focus, but giving them a label provides users of assistive technologies a more accurate description of the purpose of the widget
Manual Checks
  • Good labels are both concise and descriptive of the element with widget role purpose.
  • If element with widget roles are arranged in groups, make sure labels include grouping information.
  • Consider using aria-describedby to provide references to instructions or error information.
  • When there is more than one widget of the same type on a page, they need an label for users to uniquely identify the form control.
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