Consistent ordering of h1 and h2 labels

Definition Consistent ordering of h1 and h2 elements that label recurring page sections common across all pages in a website.
  • One of the fundamental features of the web is the provision of easy access to useful information. Consistent ordering of h1 and h2 elements used to identify recurring page sections common across all pages in the website will make it easier for people to find information they are seeking and to navigate between and within pages.
Required Yes for HTML5 and ARIA Techniques ruleset mapping
WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Site Navigation
Scope Website
Target Resources h1 and h2 elements used to identify recurring sections of pages within a website
  • h2
  • Use an h1 element to identify the main content within a page.
  • Use h2 elements to identify other recurring page sections such as navigation bars, web site search forms, footer information, etc.
Manual Checks
  • View the h1 and h2 heading structure of the page, and verify that it has the same or a similar structure as other pages within the website, especially with respect to recurring page sections.
Informational Links